Production of Surgical Masks and Masks type FFP2, FFP3 and N 95
Project title | Produção de Máscaras Cirúrgicas e
Máscaras tipo FFP2, FFP3 e N 95
Project code | NORTE-02-08B9-FEDER-049075
Main objective | OT 3 – Reforçar a competitividade das PME
Intervention region | Norte
Promoter entities | Novavet – Produtos Agropecuários, Lda.
Location | Portugal
Approval date | 22-07-2020
Start date | 22-07-2020
Completion date | 22-09-2020
Total eligible cost| 475.000,00 Euros
Financial support from the European Union| FEDER – 451.250,00 EUR
With this investment project, the Novavet company intends to start in the industrial activity of Personal Protective Equipment, aiming at the production of both disposable surgical and FFP2, FFP3 and N95 masks.
The results to be achieved by 2020 are:
• Number of relevant products (goods and services) from COVID-19: 4.