Novavet Internationalization Project
Project title | Internationalization Project
Project code | NORTE-02-0752-FEDER-035052
Main objective | OT 3 – Reforçar a competitividade das PME
Intervention region | Norte
Promoter entities | Novavet – Produtos Agropecuários, Lda.
Location| Portugal
Approval date | 16-04-2018
Start date | 01-06-2018
Completion date | 31-05-2020
Total eligible cost | 287.500,00 Euros
Financial support from the European Union | FEDER – 129.375,00 EUR
This project aims at the internationalization of Novavet – Produtos Agro-Pecuário, Lda., Enhancing its international positioning with entry into new markets. The aim is to improve Novavet’s strategic performance, its knowledge about foreign markets, reinforce its intervention in terms of the digital economy and international marketing and market research, enabling the company to successfully approach foreign markets in Denmark, Chile , Morocco, São Tomé and Príncipe and Ghana.

Company promotional video